Joshua Ivan Sudrajat
Spiritual warfare is the Christian concept of fighting against the work of preternatural evil forces. It is based on the biblical belief in evil spirits, or demons, that are said to intervene in human affairs in various ways.
Ephesians 6:12 NIV
12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
The Most Powerful Army of the Lord Jesus Christ Currently
We Are In The Final Round, We Are In Times Of Very Intense Spiritual Warfare.
We are the Most Powerful Army of the Lord Jesus in the End Times.
John 14:26 MSG
26 The Friend, the Holy Spirit whom the Father will send at my request, will make everything plain to you. He will remind you of all the things I have told you.
Before we carry out spiritual warfare prayers, we must always ask the Holy Spirit. Whatever we do, we must ask the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit teaches us War Strategy.
Luke 12:12 (ESV) For at that time the Holy Spirit will teach you what you should say."
Every day we invite the Holy Spirit to communicate. Starting from the smallest things we ask the Holy Spirit, listen to the answers from our conscience, fleeting thoughts.
There are many ways to Hear God's Voice. Practice hearing the voice of God and the Voice of the Holy Spirit.
Definition of Spiritual Mapping: The ability to see spiritually the condition of each place before prayer activities are carried out, for example: traveling prayer and spiritual warfare.
17 Arise, walk (make a thorough reconnaissance) around in the land, through its length and its width, for I will give it to you.” Genesis 13:17 AMP
Research Guidelines for Conducting Spiritual Mapping
1. Historical Research
(Names of regions, regional conditions
– economic, social, cultural, local history)
- Who was the founder of the city?
- What religion/beliefs do you follow?
- How was the city founded and what was the purpose of founding the city?
- What is the significance of the city's name?
- Has there ever been a trauma in the city? For example; natural disasters, war, rebellion riots etc.
2. Physical Research
(Monuments, museums, statues, occult centers, discos, bars, night clubs, places of prostitution, etc.)
- How many residents?
- What religions/beliefs do the residents adhere to?
- What are the relations between ethnicities and religions in the city?
- What dance, music or art form is unique to that city?
- What is the livelihood of the city's residents?
- What is the economic status of the population – upper/lower middle? - What is the level of security and public order?
3. Spiritual Research
(Strong people, veil of darkness, spiritual atmosphere etc.)
- How did Christianity come to the city? - How did Christianity grow in that city? Fast, slow, not growing?
- How are the leaders doing, and do conflicts often occur?
- Is there an element of rejection of the Gospel and God's servants?
- Are there any curses affecting the people of that city?
- What were the main gods or territorial spirits associated with the city?
- What is the impact on the community in the city?
- Who is the strong man in the city? What idols do they worship?
#In mapping we usually find "bad" images or photos which are often used by dark forces to manifest themselves, they need to be covered or locked with certain signs or images. For example Locked by the Star of David
#Likewise, if you come to a place, house/hotel, etc. at a certain time, it is important to clean the atmosphere, etc. There are many things outside this theory, depending on the spirit, what are the results of the screening? And what are RK's instructions? Often other locations will have different subscriptions, therefore *It's Important to Always Ask the Holy Spirit*
Before we carry out circumambulation prayer and spiritual warfare, we perform Holy Communion as a symbol that we are under the protection of the Lord Jesus Christ.
The Body and Blood of Jesus are integrated in our lives. Before being crucified, the Lord Jesus stated that when we eat the Holy Communion with full faith, we are eating and drinking the body and blood of Christ - which will make Christ live in us and we will have eternal life.
(John 6:54-56) - “Whoever eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life and I will raise him up at the end of time. For My flesh is truly food and My blood is truly drink. Whoever eats My flesh and drinks My blood abides in Me and I in him.”
Nowadays, every time God's children receive Holy Communion, they are actually fulfilling the Word of the Lord Jesus (John 6:54-56) in their lives.
Ephes-Damim (English: Ephes Dammim or Pas Dammim (1 Chronicles 11:13) — means blood border. 1 Sam 17: 1 states 'efes damim' = the boundary of the blood = blood boundary line
When the Israeli army fought against the Philistine troops, the Philistine side was led by Goliath (one of the Philistine giants). For 40 days, Goliath only came and cursed at the Israelites and their God at a certain limit, namely at Ephes Damim, but did not go out to fight against Israel. On the Israeli side, they were afraid and could not move.
Why didn't the Philistines attack?
Because they know that there is an efes damim (blood line), if they go beyond the efes damim, then they will definitely lose. Until a reddish David appeared, he came to challenge Goliath.
Goliath underestimated David so he advanced beyond the ephes damim, as a result, with just a stone, Goliath was immediately defeated.
1 Chronicles 11: 11-14 also states 'pas damim' = efes damim This blood line/border is the limit of God's protection for His children.
To make Efes Damim, grapes are used mixed with water. The wine represents the Blood of Jesus. Usually done in front of our house fence.
When we spread the Blood of Jesus we can Say: Job 38:10-11 (KJV) when I set the boundaries, and set up the bars and doors; when I said: Here you may come, do not pass by, this is where your arrogant waves will be stopped!
Jatiwangi 8 JANUARI 2024
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