Through My Church

Through My Church

Ephesians 1:22-23
And He put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be head over all things to the church, which is His body, the fulness of Him who fills all in all.

I believed the Father has set all things (events and people who will be involved in it) far before the world was. He is the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End. He sets everything up; the people who will be involved directly, the people who will be functioned by Him as a liaison and so on, but at the same time He also gives the opportunity to every human to play their part in the freedom of choice that God gives to everyone who is born on this earth.
Far before the world was, the Father has set that He will only work on the earth through His church. The Father will work through His church to fulfil His agenda: Down into this world and came in the likeness of men, living a day-to-day life as a human being to become a pattern; live as an obedience child to fulfil the Father's will so all 'His brothers' who are born through His Holy Spirit, can follow His footsteps. He lived in obedience until died on the cross to destroy the kingdom of darkness and defeat death forever. All those things happened on this earth. After His resurrection and 'His inauguration' by seated Him on the right hand side of the Father, far above everything, the Father has set the church to represent Christ; establish and function with the same authority and power as Christ; do everything for Christ, function as 'executing officials', represent Christ on the earth as long as He is on the right hand side of the Father, before He comes back to the earth as the King of kings.

1. The Father has set the church to live as the representation and executor of Christ?s duty on the earth.
In a kingdom, the King's decree is everything. And as believers, we are living in the kingdom! That is why when the Father said that all things are put under Christ and Christ is the head of His church, means church has been set to always be victorious, authoritative, influential, and powerful on the earth. The reason why the church today seems to be an institution 'put aside' from the achievement in the society is because the church has lost her real identity in Christ!
This is the time for the church to realise her true identity and become the representation of Christ on the earth!

2. The Father has set the church to fulfil His agenda on the earth.
The church has been set to experience and manifest the fullness of Christ. Once again Christ with all His glory and power will be manifested through His church. If the devil had to deal with one Christ before, in this end time there will be many believers who manifest Christ through their daily lives.
Through the congregation who is ready to synergize and manifest the fullness of Christ on the earth, the Father's plan and agenda which have been delayed will simply be fulfilled.
When I wrote this message, I receive a vision from the Spirit: I saw many believers (in small human form) formed into one giant. The giant wears a complete weapon of war. That is the 'Giant of Faith' that the Father raised through His church. That Giant of Faith is the one who beat down the demons and the army of the evil spirits. The Holy Spirit said: I have set believers to come together into one body in Me. They will complete the work of restoration of all creation on this earth. My kingdom will be revealed on this earth through My church. I will reveal My glory and My power through the life of those who live in My fullness. There will be no more delays. Everything will move together to fulfil My plan and agenda. (Ps. Steven Agustinus)


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