Part Two - Victory Over Chaos

(Please be sure to find Part One to read the whole word for 2024)

Jane Hamon

Psalms 24 for 2024 - A Time of Restoration, Recovery and Victory Over Chaos

Psalms 24 is an incredible chapter.  It is thought it was written by David at the advent of him bringing the Ark out of a place of captivity into the city of Jerusalem and establishing the Tabernacle of David.  The Ark contained the foundations of the faith of Israel:  Moses’s tablets with the Ten Commandments, manna from the wilderness, Aaron’s rod.  It was a place the glory and presence of God dwelt.  The Ark was a foreshadowing picture of the person of Jesus Christ who was to come: The Word made flesh, The Bread of Life and God’s Rod of Strength that comes out of Zion (Psalms 110:2)   This was a time of great celebration and marked a new era of government and spiritual leadership in the land.  

David had just stepped into the fulfillment of prophetic promise and was crowned king over all Israel.  After defeating the Jebusites and taking Jerusalem, he called it the City of David and established the seat of his government there.  He then pushed back the Philistines who were his constant nemesis in battle.   (The Hebrew word Jebusite indicates the mixture of the world that causes our hearts to be polluted.  The root of the word Philistine means to wallow in self.  God wants to give us internal victories over the things that pollute our hearts and cause us to serve self rather than God.). These victories led David to determine to bring back the Ark of the Covenant which had been stolen by the Philistines over twenty years before, for where the Ark was received with joy, it brought blessing, power and the presence of God.  It was a time of great restoration, celebration and recovery as I believe 2024 will be.  

Psalms 24 gives us keys to step into a time of recovery in our own lives and to see victory over chaos in the world around us as Jehovah Sabaoth rises on our behalf!

1). Setting Things in Order - A Year of Ascending to the Mountain of the Lord

Psalms 24 begins by extolling God as Creator and Ruler of the earth, His Supremacy and divine order over chaos.  In Genesis 1:2 the earth was said to be without form and void.  Without form comes from a Hebrew word meaning confusion, desolation, waste, a place of chaos. (Strongs 8414, Browns, Driver, Briggs) David wrote of God’s victory over the chaos of the earth by saying, “The earth is the Lord’s, and all its fullness, the world and those who dwell therein. For He has founded it upon the seas, And established it upon the waters.”  

Immediately after honoring God’s governmental positioning as Owner of all that is in the earth, David gives a prescription for how we can approach Him properly for relationship, righteousness and blessing.  “Who may ascend into the hill of the Lord? Or who may stand in His holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who has not lifted up his soul to an idol, nor sworn deceitfully. he shall receive blessing from the Lord, and righteousness from the God of his salvation. This is Jacob, the generation of those who seek Him, who seek Your face.”

The Mountain of the Lord is a place of God’s presence, His power and Transformation.  Isaiah 2:2 tells us in the last days the mountain of the Lord will be exalted over all other mountains and all nations shall flow to it.  Moses met with God on the mountain and received the words that would shape Israel’s future.  Jesus was transfigured on a mountain for the disciples to see.  He was constantly going up to a mountain to pray and seek God. If Jesus needed to seek the face of God and spend time with the Father, when he was in fact God, how much more do each of us need to renew our time of fellowship, prayer and presence.  A couple years ago God said to me, “I am bringing back those who are not just prodigals out in the world, but also those who are prodigals from my presence.”  Wow!  Are you one who loves God, but don’t spend time in His presence?  He is calling you back now.  What better time than the beginning of the year to reset your holy pursuit of God’s presence, for in that place you will find your purpose in a new way. 

Obviously we cannot come with our own righteousness but through through the power of the redeeming blood of the Lamb of God.  But to properly align we must come with clean hands (right actions, how we treat others, faithfulness to our spiritual assignments), a pure heart (right thoughts, intentions, affections and motives), keeping our soul out of idolatry (things that draw us away from our passionate pursuit of the Lord) and staying out of lies and deceit (purifying our speach to speak truth).  We must begin this year searching our own hearts and discerning our own lives before we can be used to discern what’s happening in the earth. 

I have a recurring place in my dreams that I believe represents the mountain of the Lord.  It is a turn off of a road Tom and I travel that leads to the most spectacular look out and incredible presence of the Lord.  On the way up the road is winding and narrow.   There is a turn out where you can catch a glimpse of the beauty without going all the way to the top.  This always pulls at us to stop, but we know the goal of going to the top is worth it and like no other. 

As I was praying about 2024 I had one of these dreams.  We were organizing a trip to take others to this incredible place to experience the glory and presence of His beauty.  But everyone got too busy and sadly we cancelled the trip. 

I feel the warning of the Lord that we cannot be too busy or distracted not to go to the mountain of the Lord’s presence this year.  It’s important to set personal and corporate goals and expectation to seek the face of the Lord, not just His hand for blessings. 

2). The Commanded Blessing - A Time of Restoration of All the Enemy has Stolen

As previously mentioned, Psalm 24 is thought to have been written when David brought the ark up to Jerusalem.  In 1 Samuel 4-6 the ark is stolen by the Philistines.   But because it caused a curse wherever it went in the camp of the enemy, the Philistines sent it back to Israel after 7 months.   It was put in the home of Abinidab, Saul’s son for over 20 years.    


When David became king…..signifying a new era, he determined to bring it back to Jerusalem and fully restore it to it’s proper place.  He doesn’t know how to properly move it and puts it on a cart, and chaos ensues. It falters causing the death of Uzzah who tries to catch it.  God had a presecribed way, which was not man’s way (represented by the cart).  Misalignment brings chaos. 

The Ark stayed at the house of Obededom for three months.  During this time David studied the proper way to welcome the ark of God back to Israel.  During this time Obededom’s house was blessed.  It was in Abinidab’s house for 20 years but no mention is made of blessing.  Obededom considered it an honor to host the presence of the Ark of the Lord, and God blessed his house.  He even followed the Ark to Jerusalem and served in its care in the following years.   When we value the presence and power of God, God commands blessings upon us and our house. 

When we come to the mountain of the Lord to seek Him and honor His presence, Psalms 24 declares, “He shall receive blessings from the Lord and righteousness from the God of his salvation.”  As we properly align our hearts and lives this year and obey what God is asking us to do, we are stepping into a time of commanded blessing!  Raise your expectations and faith to see the impossible become possible.  

At the end of 2023 the Lord challenged us to believe for family miracles: prodigals coming home, reconciliation between family members and greater unity and blessing on families.  In December we heard of multiple miracles of all types for families.  Sometimes we need to hear what is on God’s heart, come into agreement with it and then expect to see change.  

John 10:10 declares, “The thief comes to steal, kill and destroy but (Jesus said) I have come that they might have life and have it more abundantly.”  It’s time to repossess what the enemy as stolen in a previous season.

Set your faith and agreement for a time of Commanded Blessing like the blessings on the house of Obededom.  Believe for the blessings on God’s house and on your house in 2024!

3) A Time to Welcome the King of Glory - Jehovah Sabaoth

Lift up your heads, O you gates! And be lifted up, you everlasting doors! And the King of glory shall come in. Who is this King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, The Lord mighty in battle. Lift up your heads, O you gates! Lift up, you everlasting doors! And the King of glory shall come in. Who is this King of glory? The Lord of hosts, He is the King of glory. Selah“ Psalms 24:1-10 NKJV

In this Psalm David was asking for the gates of Jerusalem to be opened to make way for the Ark of God, but really for the hearts of the people to be opened to the King of Glory.  Michal (identified as Saul’s daughter, not David’s wife) looked out the window and despised David’s extravagent show of praise and worship.   She could not see what God was doing in the midst of the chaos of battles in the land and her vision was clouded by her own loss and bitterness. She did not open her heart to the new season of victory and was never fruitful again. Yet the whole city was blessed because the Ark of God’s presence had returned to the people.  His Glory had come back to their city!  We must choose to receive the Lord and all His plans and purposes with an open heart as we enter this new year. 

There are many names which extol the attributes and character traits of God: Jehovah Shalom, The Lord our Peace; Jehovah Rapha, The Lord our Healer; Jehovah Jireh, The Lord our Provider are a few examples.  In this Psalm, and I believe for this season of warfare, spiritual confrontation and yet restoration and celebration, the name of God, Jehovah Sabaoth, is exalted.  Who is this King of Glory?  Yes, He is the Lord strong and mighty in battle. But He is also The Lord of Hosts, Jehovah Sabaoth, the Lord of the Angel Armies and He is rising up and fighting for His people and His kingdom cause. 

Our God is a warrior!   He is seen in Joshua 5 as the Commander of the Lord’s armies who appears to Joshua before the battle of Jericho.  He is the Lord that fought for Israel as they came out of Egyptian captiviy (See Exodus 14:13-14).  He is the God that David fights on behalf of as he rushes out to face Goliath.  Jehovah Sabaoth appears 284 times in the Old Testament, more than any other description or identifying name of the Lord.  Our God is surely a warrior who is fighting for us. 

Who is this King of Glory?  We will surely see God’s glory and power released in new measure this year.  But don’t just look for glory clouds or tingles up and down our spines.   This will be a demonstration of who He is, His power and His dominion in the earth. 

As we come in to 2024 global tensions are rising.  Lots of wars and rumors of wars are stirring in the earth.  Nations are aligning for war.  But I do not believe World War 3 is God’s will for the earth at this time.  We need to pray against the spirit of chaos that wants to throw the entire earth into despair.  But our God is a Warrior!  He is the Commander of Angel Armies. He is arising in this manner as Jehovah Sabaoth, the Warrior, because we are in a time of contending. 

On October 6th, 2023 the Lord told me the Prince of Persia, an ancient demonic stronghold seen in Daniel 10, was rising up to create war/chaos in the earth again. Persia is often symbolized by dragon images.  Ancient Bablyon, which was known as the City of Gates, (which is significant for this year of doors and gates) covered some of its gates in images of dragons.  Babylon’s name means confusion, one of the workings of chaos.  That region of the world is being stirred by this ancient demonic spirit.  

Of course, on October 7th Hamas attacked Israel.   

In the time of Psalms 24 the Philistines were mounting new war strategies against Israel.  I believe modern day Philistines are at work in the name of Hamas. Gaza was part of the ancient Philistine lands.  Hamas is tied to Iran, which up until 1935 was called Persia.  Today another dragon nation, China, is aligning with Iran and other Middle-Eastern nations.  A powder keg is buildling fueled by the spirit of chaos and antiChrist.   I believe its time for spiritual awakening but not time for global war.  

In July 2023, before this conflict began I heard the Lord say there was a coming event in Israel that would get the attention of the world.  Initially, I felt the US would support Israel, but the Lord said it as important to pray we stay in alignment with Israel knowing God will bless those who bless them. (Gen 12).  

Can we, the people of God, the ekklesia, do anything about this?  I believe there is a clarion call to prayer and to seek God’s face and cry out for mercy before His throne.  It can’t be business as usual in our gathering times.  We must contend against the agenda of chaos, whether in the lives of people or even in nations.  Our prayers do make a difference.

Isaiah 45 speaks about victory over the captivity of Babylon by saying God will open up the double gates and give access to that which was thought to be impossible and impenetrable.  He will give us the treasures of darkness which speaks of armories of weapons which Babylon had stolen.  God is placing upgraded spiritual weapons in the hands of His people to wage war on a new spiritual level.  Just as the US military does not fight with weapons forged for WW 2, we have upgraded the technology for planes, tanks and weapons.  In the same way God is upgrading the spiritual weapons of prayer, praise and proclamations and bringing fresh revelation for how to defeat our already defeated foe.  

The only way to have victory is to stand in the victory Christ won for us on the cross, but then to take up our spiritual weapons to enforce that victory. 

Maybe you are fighting your own battles on a personal level that have seemed all encompassing and overwhelming.  The same God that fought for Israel is fighting for you.  He is mobilizing angel armies on your behalf to bring you victory over chaos in every battle you are facing.  Angels are sent to help us (Hebrews 1:14), to guard us and to carry revelation to us from the throne of God.  

Decree this with me:  I open the gate of my heart to the King of Glory.  I receive every part of your purpose and plan for my life and choose your ways over my ways.  Let your glory saturate every part of my life a I serve you.  I decree Jehovah Sabaoth is rising on my behalf.  He is the Lord of Angel Armies and He is fighting for me, my family, my finances and my physical health.  This will be a year of recovery for me of all that has been stolen from me by the enemy.  I receive my upgraded spiritual weapons and stand in the triumph Christ won over death.  I align my heart with heaven and will experience victory over chaos through the power of Jesus’ name.  Amen

4). The Rise of the Dragon Slayers - Victory over Chaos

One of the battles we have been fighting at the end of 2023 is over the life of a dear friend who collapsed and was lifeless until he was resuscitated.  He was put on life support and has been in the process of recovery.  Doctors didn’t have a good prognosis, yet he continues to defy death and grows stronger each day. Now, his vitals are strong, his organs are working. He just needs to wake up. 

Interestingly, this man had several prophetic words prior to this time that foretold victory in a situation just like this.  His friends and family have used those words to war a warfare for the sake of his life declaring no premature death and that no weapon formed can prosper.

During a time of prayer for him I had a very clear vision of him fighting a dragon of death. He had a sword in his hand.  Death would come for him, but he would evade its bite, hiding behind a rock, only to leap out and swing his sword at the head of the dragon again and again.  His spirit man was being empowered by the prayers going up on his behalf.  Though at this writing he is still asleep, I believe God calls him a dragon slayer!

At that point I heard the Lord say, “There a company of dragon slayers arising today.  These are those who have looked death right in the eye and not given up, backed off or been intimidated.  These dragon slayers will operate with supernatural courage to confront chaos and confusion and every emmisary of death operating in the earth.  Jesus, the ultimate dragon slayer, defeated death, hell and the grave paving the way for this new generation of dragon slayers who will enforce his victory.  Those who thought they would be broken by the harsh trials of the last season, yet held on to the Word of the Lord (the sword) will prevail.  I am waking up My people, reminding them of My prophetic promises and calling them to wage war by them knowing My voice shatters the enemy (See Isaiah 30:31).  So rise up dragon slayers!  Shake off the defeat of the last season and rise into new authority and victory for the new day.  

As I close this writing I want to leave you with a verse sent to me by a powerful intercessor.  What a word of encouragement!

Isaiah 49:24-26 says, “Can plunder be retrieved from a giant, prisoners of war gotten back from a tyrant?  But God says, “Even if a giant grips the plunder and a tyrant holds my people prisoner, I’m the one who’s on your side, defending your cause, rescuing your children. And your enemies, crazed and desperate, will turn on themselves, killing each other in a frenzy of self-destruction. Then everyone will know that I, God, have saved you, I, the Mighty One of Jacob.”

Rise up Dragon Slayers!  2024 is your year of Victory! 

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