Beyond Human

Beyond Human

Tahun penyempurnaan
Tahun eksekusi
Masa kegenapan
Roh Kudus menyambar
Surga menyentuh Bumi.

From nothing to beyond human
Beyond the world can imagine
Beyond everything
Beyond i could have been

From nothing to beyond human
Beyond the world can imagine
Beyond everything
Because of Your love in me

Jehova jireh membuat kami berkelimpaham
Jehova makadesh membuat kami menghabisi kegelapan
Jehova shamah membawa surga ada ditengah kami
Jehova rapha menjamah bangsa
Menylamatkan dunia

This is Your Glorious plan
We move to glorious life
We live in Glorious time
By the grace that flows from the Mercy Seat


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